lunedì 31 gennaio 2011

Word contract on energy and climate to eradicate poverty and stop climate change

A different world is solar, a solar world is possible:

The development towards which we have been oriented so far is unsustainable from an environmental, social and economic point of view. A different world is possible if peoples’ action will be able to build another energy model. This shall be moderate, fair and democratic, not fed by fossil fuels or nuclear anymore, but rather based on energy saving and on the distributed and sustainable use of renewable resources such as sun, wind, biomass, geothermal, mini-hydro, tidal. The transition to a “light” economy requires a dual strategy in the use of energy resources: the rethinking of the means (efficiency) and a careful moderation of the ends (sufficiency).

Phase out fossil fuels is necessary because:

they are non renewable energy sources doomed to a rapid exhaustion. The main multinational oil companies forecast that from 2020 oil supply will not be sufficient to meet the growth in demand. The same phenomenon is inevitably going to occur for natural gas a decade later, in the best of hypothesis. Coal, the worst option from a climate point of view, due to its high carbon content, could last another 300 years at current consumption rates (if it would become the main energy sources it would exhaust in less than 50 years).

using them is increasingly expensive, not just because there is continuously growing demand versus fewer available resources, but also because the costs of extraction (deeper wells and more difficult to access), transport and of the externalities (environmental, climate and public health impacts) are growing higher.

their combustion causes heavy alterations of the atmosphere.

For this reason they are the cause of: wars to control and exploit the remaining ores and fields; disastrous climate change, especially for the poorer countries, less responsible and less able to defend themselves; increasing pollution of the common goods, air, water and soil; poverty, a condition in which a large part of the humanity is forced by the wasteful use of oil, coal and methane made by the planet’s rich minority (20%), which pretends to keep on doing so.

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